Holiday Gift Ideas


The holiday shopping season is just around the corner. Do your kids have their wish lists ready yet? If you’re searching for the perfect gift consider these holiday ideas for kids with Down Syndrome and other special needs:

  • Source: Freedigitalphotos

    A tent with an attached tunnel is perfect for kids that struggle with sensory processing. It provides an escape when they feel overwhelmed and can help a child relax and unwind.

  • Open ended crafts are fun for all abilities. Choose craft kits that let your child determine what the end product will look like instead of striving for an outcome dictated by the directions.

  • Gear toys are often a draw for children with autism because they feel comfortable with the repetitive motions. Look for toys that allow children to move the components around for maximum interaction.

  • Cause and effect toys require children to do something in order to get a response. They may have to push a button, turn a handle, or flip a switch for the toy to activate a response.

Exceptional Kids is proud to provide information and ideas to families of children with special needs. We are committed to being a valuable resource for your family!